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Wrinkle Relaxers

15 to 20 minute process

What are Wrinkle Relaxers?​

Wrinkle relaxers (a.k.a., neuromodulators or neurotoxins) are used in the treatment of dynamic wrinkles (“rhytids”). The different neurotoxins are all composed of botulinum toxin A, which is FDA-approved for a range of cosmetic and medical uses.

What to expect?​

The results will vary by the exact neuromodulator used. It can take a few days, up to 1-2 weeks for the effects to begin to work. Results can last between 3-4 months.The results will vary by the exact neuromodulator used. It can take a few days, up to 1-2 weeks for the effects to begin to work. Results can last between 3-4 months.

Treatable Areas



Crow’s Feet

Lip Flip

DAO (Depressor Anguli Oris)

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint)

Hyperhidrosis (Under Arm, Hands, Feet)

25 to 30 minute process

What are Fillers?​

The key compound in dermal fillers is Hyaluronic acid or “HA.” HA is a natural occurring substance found in your body, commonly in your skin and joints. It acts as scaffolding, drawing water to cushion and support surrounding tissue. Different types of HA products are available. They are used both individually and in concert to fill hollows, deep lines, and folds; add volume; and improve hydration to the overlying skin’s surface.

What to expect?​

The results from an HA filler treatment are immediate, although it may take a few days up to 2 weeks to be fully settled.

Treatable Areas




Undereyes | Tear trough



Nasolabial Folds

Marionette Lines


45 to 60 minute process

What are Biostimulators?​

Biostimulators add volume and improve skin’s quality by stimulating the body’s natural ability to build collagen. For facial rejuvenation, the treatment involves injecting Sculptra into areas of flattening or hollowing due to age and weight-loss associated volume loss. This procedure differs from injection of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers that are more useful for highlighting or creating fullness over prominences or near the lower eyes or lips. Sculptra can be used in the face, neck, hands, and buttocks.

What to expect?​

Let us know if you take over-the-counter or prescription blood thinners. You should avoid NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) for at least 5 days prior to a Sculptra treatment. Sculptra  is performed as a 3 treatment series, each session spaced 4-6 weeks apart. No downtime is expected, although bruising can occur. The post-treatment care involves massaging treated areas for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days to ensure even distribution of the product.

Treatable Areas




Hips | Buttlocks


PDO Threadlifting
20 to 30 minute process

What is Threadlifting?​

A threadlift is a non-surgical procedure that introduces absorbable “threads” into the layer just under the skin to produce a subtle but visible lift in the areas treated.  The threads are made of polydioxanone (a.k.a.,PDO), an absorbable suture material used in surgical wound closures. The absorption of the threads creates collagen and assists in longevity of the results. Threadlifting can be performed alone or in combination with other aesthetic procedures such as fillers, biostimulators, neurotoxins, facials, and IV hydration.

What to expect?​

Let us know if you take over-the-counter or prescription blood thinners. You should avoid NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) for at least 5 days prior to a PDO Threadlift procedure. The results are immediate with 1-3 week period of initial healing and settling that will occur. Some bruising, swelling, and discomfort are expected but are usually minimal. We recommend a routine follow up at 2 weeks and a Boost procedure at 3-4 months after the initial treatment. Results typically last between 1 to 2 years and depend on the rate of aging, lifestyle, and unique biology of each patient.

Treatable Areas








30 to 60 minute process

What are Facials?​

Facials are an excellent way to relax while also pampering your skin.  They can be enjoyed as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with lasers, fillers / injectables, threadlifting, or IV hydration and vitamin shots.

What to expect?​

The results from facials are immediate, with little to no downtime.

Treatable Areas






20 to 30 minute process

What are Lasers?​

Lutronic LaseMD is a non-ablative, profractional laser with a 1927nm wavelength.  This wavelength is most efficient at targeting water in cells in the skin’s outermost layers. Thermo-MicroZones (TMZs) are created at the target layer which destroys target cells and encourages healthy, new cell formation.

Treatable Areas

What to expect?​

You may experience redness for 1 to 2 days after these treatments. Spots may respond to treatment by appearing darker before becoming lighter or flaking off. You should avoid direct sun in the first 2 days and continue with the recommended skincare regimen and sunscreen per your provider’s instructions. Most patients will feel comfortable enough to resume public appearances the next day.




Body (abdomen, upper/lower extremities)




40 to 60 minute process

What is RF Microneedling?​

RF Microneedling is excellent at improving scars (acne scars, raised scars, immature post-surgical scars), skin texture, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and laxity.

Treatable Areas

What to expect?​

You may experience redness for 1 to 2 days after these treatments. Spots may respond to treatment by appearing darker before becoming lighter or flaking off. You should avoid direct sun in the first 2 days and continue with the recommended skincare regimen and sunscreen per your provider’s instructions. Most patients will feel comfortable enough to resume public appearances the next day.




Body (abdomen, upper/lower extremities)




IV Hydration | Vitamin Shot
5 to 30 minute process

What is IV Hydration?​

IV, or Intravenous, hydration is a simple and safe way to restore fluids, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into your bloodstream. The intravenous route not only hydrates but also gives your cells rapid access to the nutrients required for skin / hair health, repair of tissues, and improved metabolism.


What are Vitamin Shots?​

Vitamin Shots provide necessary vitamins through a simple intramuscular (IM) or slow IV injection, potentially avoiding significant loss of vitamin delivery or inadequate gastrointestinal absorption inherent in oral supplementation.​​

Types of Shots

MICC (Methionine, Inositol, Choline, Cyanocobalamin)




What to expect?​

The delivery of fluids and vitamins are immediate. IV Hydration / Vitamin Bags / Vitamin Shots can be given as stand-alone sessions or at the time of other skincare treatments.

Can't decide which treatment is right for you?

Schedule a consultation  with one of our providers to discuss your aesthetic needs. 

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